令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) is used to define the successful completion of coursework toward an eligible degree or certificate program to maintain eligibility for financial aid. 联邦法规要求学生经济援助办公室监督申请第四章经济援助的学生的进展情况.



令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) is used to define the successful completion of coursework toward an eligible degree or certificate program to maintain eligibility for financial aid. 联邦法规要求学生经济援助办公室监督申请第四章经济援助的学生的进展情况, 包括联邦佩尔助学金, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG), 联邦工作研究(FWS), 联邦直接学生贷款(斯塔福德补贴), 斯塔福德未受资助的, 及家长PLUS), 以及任何国家资助的财政援助. 不符合这些标准的学生将被给予经济援助警告或停学.

SAP is reviewed for all students (regardless of enrollment or program and regardless of whether they are currently receiving or have previously received financial aid) at the end of each semester to determine financial aid eligibility for the upcoming semester. SAP是根据学生以前的入学和他们的整个学术历史来评估的, 不管他们过去是否接受过经济援助. Students, 即使是那些从未接受过经济援助的人, 会否被列入经济资助警告名单, 学术计划, 或因转学GPA低于2分而被停学.0,超过150%的最大时限规则,或信用完成率低于66.67%. 中途退学一学期或成绩不及格的学生, W’s, I’s, 没有通过课程的U级学生将自动被暂停经济资助.